Through the Garden Cartographies, Roots & Seeds XXI seeks to safeguard and promote botanical heritage, weaving scientific knowledge with storytelling and humanities. In this way, the first Multidisciplinary Garden Cartography developed within Roots & Seeds XXI fostered the creative potential of artists and scientists working together, promoting multidisciplinary collaboration networks and hybrid methodologies.
Summarising the dialogues that took place within the events, the final publication of Roots & Seeds XXI seeks to spread the transdisciplinary botanical knowledge generated through the intersection of art and science communities. The podcasts and video capsules also share the objective of visibilising and creating resources for citizens to engage with the biodiversity crisis, fostering knowledge production, awareness and emotional response to the environmental emergency.
Dates: 30 September - 1st October 2021
The workshop 'Cartography of a Garden' investigates how to renew our relations to plants and how to address the plant biodiversity crisis through a multiperspective art-science approach by looking at our close environment.
Dates: 8- 12 September 2021
Participation in Ars Electronica Festival 2021. Garden Roots & Seeds XXI
Dates: 15 and 16 July 2021
Based on round tables and transdisciplinary dialogues, participants engaged with the biodiversity crisis with the intention of proposing sustainable ways of relating to the vegetal realm.