Multidisciplinary Garden Cartography: Barcelona
mayo 20, 2021
II International Forum HerbArt
junio 23, 2021



13th June 2021
Biennal Ciutat i Ciència 2021
Barcelona, ES


Presentation of Roots & Seeds XXI at La Festa de la Ciència:

During the last years, the discourses around the loss of biodiversity and more sustainable production and consumption models have advanced widely in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and new technologies. However, our actions individually and collectively are lagging behind. Roots & Seeds XXI. Biodiversity Crisis and Plant Resistance is a cultural project that aims to establish bridges that help alleviate this delay. Through the creation of new imaginaries arising from the intersection of Art and Science, Roots & Seeds XXI and with the involvement of artists, economists and scientists, it will seek to promote practices that resonate with a wider audience. Throughout the two years that the project will last (until October 2022), we will produce events and activities that generate connections between artists, philosophers, botanists, activists, economists, designers and curators, with the intention of generating dialogues and charting new paths that place the plant world in the center. Understanding the plant world as an agent and not a resource, we will try to imagine new ways of relating to it.

More information


A future without amphibians
Micro-talks by María Puig, Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA).
Amphibians are the most endangered animals on Earth, mainly due to the emergence of chytridiomycosis, a disease caused by fungi called chytridiomycosis. The loss of biodiversity directly affects our health and well-being, and it is up to us to remedy it.

Art, science and biodiversity
By Joan Vallès, EtnoBioFiC research group at the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB-CSIC), and Claudia Machuca, Quo Artis Foundation.
Roots & Seeds XXI seeks to promote actions and commitments towards sustainability through the use of artistic and scientific practices and approaches. Thus, with the union of art and science, contributes to creating a more sustainable future and encourage habits that care for our environment. 

SOS Biodiversity! The planet needs you
By Ylenia Cañadas Mayoral, Gabriel Mochales Riaño and Adrián Talavera Payan, Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE-CSIC-UPF).
Did you know that the Earth is experiencing a sixth mass extinction caused by human activity? Come to these talks and find out why it is vitally important to conserve biodiversity in our changing world and what you can do about it.

Presented by Miriam Rivera, with the collaboration of the Associació Catalana de Comunicació Científica (ACCC).
Language: Spanish/Catalan
Location: Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta, 37 (Ciutat Vella) BARCELONA
BC21 – Festa de la Ciència – IG 1080×1080